Canadian (Alberta) Program

The Curry Legacy Scholarship

The Challenge

The transition from high school to a post-secondary institution can be one of the most challenging periods in a student’s life. The journey into adulthood is often accompanied by a number of expenses, such as paying for tuition, books, rent, groceries and other necessities.

With the average full-time Canadian student paying $16,600 per year to cover all the expenses associated with post-secondary schooling, this transition is particularly challenging for students of low-income families.  

As a result, students of low-income families often delay or abandon their post-secondary education due to the high costs associated with attending a post-secondary institution full-time.

Thanks from Past Winners

The Response

DONOR: Dr. Bernadette Curry
FIELD OF STUDY: Unrestricted
VALUE: $1000 (Given over two years), Runner-up students may be eligible for PFPF’s new sponsorship program directly from donors

Here in People for Progress Foundation’s Canadian Scholarship Program, we recognize the importance of providing financial support to promising students of low-income families who may not have access to traditional scholarships.

Many scholarships are heavily based on academic merit and/or community involvement but overlook specific circumstances, challenges or barriers an applicant has experienced or is experiencing.

To address this issue, our scholarship program uses a holistic approach to evaluate scholarship applications in their entirety including, but not limited to:

  • academic performance
  • supplementary essays
  • challenges and barriers
  • financial need

We encourage applicants to share the experiences that have defined them as an individual and reflect their attitude toward higher education.

To this end, the aim of the scholarship program to sponsor promising students in financial need who wish to enroll in a post-secondary institution.  Our actions further reinforce our commitment and belief of empowering student and communities through access to education.

Thanks from Past Winners

About Dr. Bernadette Curry

Headshot of Dr Curry

Dr. Curry embodies the life of a philanthropist through her commitments to empowering others by giving her time and resources.

She is a Professor Emeritus in Pathology and Neuropathology at the University of Calgary.

Dr. Curry graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1962, where she completed her training in Pathology, before immigrating to Canada.

She then obtained her FRCPC (AP) in 1976, followed by Neuropathology training in Toronto.  

Her volunteer contributions range from hospital commitments during her medical career — involving provincial and national advisory and examination boards — to being involved with various organizations supporting education, medicine and children.

Scholarship Information


To be considered for this scholarship, the applicant must:

  • Be a full-time Grade 12 High School student or first year Undergraduate student (minimum 3 courses per semester), with the intention of pursuing or continuing post-secondary education
  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Be a resident of Alberta
  • Have a minimum of 70% average in at least one semester of high school. In-progress or final marks for first semester of Grade 12 will be taken into consideration if available. There is some flexibility with this requirement


Selection will be based on financial need, academic merit and short essays. 

Preference will be given to students conditionally accepted into a post-secondary institution or continuing post-secondary education.

Responsibilities of Award Holders

  • Must be able to attend the award ceremony
  • Must be able to either attend two People for Progress Foundation (PFPF) events or be involved with PFFP as a mentor for next year’s recipients
  • Note: As a mentor, you will meet with your mentee at least two times per semester.  More information will be provided to the recipients once they have been announced.
  • Recipients may be recognized at public award ceremonies and/or have their names be displayed publicly in one or more ways — including, but not limited to, PFPF website and social media profiles, for the purpose of recognizing student accomplishments.

Instructions for Applicants

IMPORTANT: Please read these instructions carefully before starting the application.

  • This application must be submitted electronically on the PFPF website or emailed to
  • The application deadline is September 30, 2024 at 11:59 PM Mountain DST.
  • Please refer to the application checklist on page two to ensure you have all the required documents and completed ALL the sections of the application. In the event any section is incomplete, the selection committee reserves the right to disqualify the application.
  • Any update in post-secondary institution acceptance or change to part-time student status needs to be updated as soon as possible; otherwise applicants will be penalized/disqualified
  • Each recipient must be attending a post-secondary institution in the fall semester
  • Expectations of a recipient must be fulfilled which include applicant attending award recognition/event (see Responsibilities of Award Holders, above)
  • Recipients may be recognized at public award ceremonies and/or their names may be displayed publicly in one more ways — including, but not limited to, PFPF website and social media profiles, for the purpose of recognizing student accomplishments.